Join 100+ Greenhouse customers who love using BrightHire

“A recruiter’s dream – more efficiency AND human connection? Yes please!”

Mason C.
Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)

“BrightHire 👏Is 👏 A 👏 Game 👏 Changer ”

Nina Chepovska
Technical Recruiter at Overjet

“BrightHire has become one of those indispensable tools for me!”

Carly Goldberg
Senior Recruiter at Attentive

“BrightHire saves so much time and removes a lot of heavy lifting from my day-to-day as a recruiter!”

Kat T.
Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

“It is such a huge time & effort saver. Prepare to be wowed! The future is here.”

Erik B
Head of Ops

Let AI take perfect notes for you

Free yourself to focus fully on candidates with AI-powered notes that help capture every important detail.

Submit scorecards in seconds

Complete scorecards with 1-click in Greenhouse using accurate AI-generated interview summaries.

Get AI notes customized just how you want

Create custom templates to get AI summaries just how you want them, whether for a recruiter screen or a debrief.

Collaborate faster with interview highlights

Share key interview moments and candidate summaries for faster async reviews and more informed decisions.

Ready to save hours with your BrightHire AI copilot?

Frequently Asked Questions

Greenhouse Expert customers get free access for up to 5 users with unlimited interviews for 1 year.

Not a Greenhouse Expert customer? Learn more about BrightHire here.

As long as you are a Greenhouse Expert tier customer anyone from your organization can sign up to use one of the free seats.

Once you’ve signed up for BrightHire’s freemium offering, you can enjoy BrightHire’s unmatched interview intelligence capabilities for up to a year. After 1 year, your company can continue using the platform as a paid customer.

Connecting to Greenhouse is just a few simple steps – we will guide you through once you create your account.

Anyone with the following Greenhouse permissions can complete the setup: “Manage all organization’s API credentials” and “Manage and configure webhooks”.

Yes, recording interviews is legal and widespread.

BrightHire ensures you always get candidate consent to record and candidates can opt-out of being recorded. Across Greenhouse customers, about 2-4% of candidates opt out of recording.

To date, BrightHire users have conducted more than 1 million interviews globally for ~200 world-class enterprises from disruptors to the Fortune 100.

Yes, BrightHire is GDPR compliant and supports teams interviewing across 5 continents, including Europe.

The feedback we get is that BrightHire dramatically improves the candidate experience.

It frees up interviewers to put their full attention on the candidate during interviews, not taking copious notes, and ensures that no important info a candidate shares is lost.
Across the hiring process, BrightHire helps support a faster, more attentive, and more equitable experience. By recording interviews, candidates are assessed based on objective evidence, not subjective memories.

Greenhouse clients using BrightHire have seen a 19% average reduction in candidates withdrawing from their hiring process.

Greenhouse expert tier customers, you can find the terms of service here.